The thesis “Medusa — Aesthetics of the view” features a new idea for a thirdeye view visualization in the photographic portrait using eyetracking technology and the self-developed machine Medusa.
Two significant questions are relevant for the thesis of Medusa: How do people see themselves? How do the technologies of eyetracking and photography display the proband’s faces after they looked at themselves?
Two significant questions are relevant for the thesis of Medusa: How do people see themselves? How do the technologies of eyetracking and photography display the proband’s faces after they looked at themselves?

During an eyetracking session each person is asked to look at a PDF which included 25 pages of graphics and photos. Each page is shown to the proband for 5 seconds.
The most relevant page for the thesis and and for the result is tracking of the eye movement on the proband’s self-portrait on the last page.
The most helpful analyzing software tool in Tobii Studio is the “heat map”. The map simulated the extension and intensity of the proband’s view during the 5 seconds on their own face.
The most helpful analyzing software tool in Tobii Studio is the “heat map”. The map simulated the extension and intensity of the proband’s view during the 5 seconds on their own face.

Heat map results from eye-tracking process


IDPURE | The Swiss magazine of graphic design and visual creation
It's nice that
Canon Profifoto Förderpreis
Avoid Red Arrows
Typography Served
Open Output
“A great contraption and publication to boot.”
—Alex Bec, It’s Nice That
Since I started the project in 2009, I met many people from various backgrounds and different fields, who were all willing to help me in evolving my thesis »Medusa — The aesthetics of the view«. Thank you to all probands and helpers in Karlsruhe, Hamburg and New York. Also, a big thank you to my former school in Germany, the Karlsruhe University for Arts and Design as well as the eyetracking company Tobii Technology.
IDPURE | The Swiss magazine of graphic design and visual creation
It's nice that
Canon Profifoto Förderpreis
Avoid Red Arrows
Typography Served
Open Output
“A great contraption and publication to boot.”
—Alex Bec, It’s Nice That
Since I started the project in 2009, I met many people from various backgrounds and different fields, who were all willing to help me in evolving my thesis »Medusa — The aesthetics of the view«. Thank you to all probands and helpers in Karlsruhe, Hamburg and New York. Also, a big thank you to my former school in Germany, the Karlsruhe University for Arts and Design as well as the eyetracking company Tobii Technology.